Keenes Pointe Lakefront Homes For Sale are occasionally available. There are 81 lakefront homes or lots on the Lake Tibet side if you include Lake Palmer ( Lake Isleworth) and Tibet Cove (No-Name lake). Lake burden has 55 homes with canal access to the lake or lakefront.
LD 81
Keenes Pointe has on average 10 lakefront homes sell each year. That is quite a few when you consider their cost compared to the average home in Windermere. The median price for a home in Windermere around $700,000 while the median price for a lakefront home in Keenes Pointe has been 3.2 million dollars based on the previous two years. Normally the more expensive homes take a little longer to sell.
Apparently there is still a sufficient number of people who appreciate lakefront luxury living. The homes here are definitely luxurious and the lakes are just as impressive. Lake Burden is crystal clear most days and Lake Tibet is perfect for just about anything. The sunrise over Lake Tibet more than makes up for not seeing the fireworks in Disney.
If living the lakefront life and being in a fantastic community sounds great to you contact us . We look forward to assisting you with any of the Lakefront homes for sale in Keenes Pointe.