Lake Chase located in Windermere FL is a smaller lake than many in the Butler Chain of Lakes. However, it's beauty is well known and a trip to it via passable canal is well worth it. What will you find? Pristine waters and shorelines lined with incredible residential hideaways.
Lake Chase is surrounded but just a little bit of untouched shoreline. That is what I focused on when I took the above picture years ago. The rest of the shoreline is made up of Isleworth, The Isle of Osprey and Emerson Pointe. You will notice on the south side of the lake is where the powerlines cross over. Until technology replaces them these eyesores will have to be tolerated.
Lake Chase has only 144 acres of surface area. That is less than 1/4 of a mile in total. The mean depth is 21 feet and the lake holds over 950 million gallons. Lake Chase is between lakes Tibet and Lake Blanche.
There is a bridge which connects the Isle of Osprey to civilization. The bridge is named Chase Blanch Bridge. Worth the trip on a boat? Of course it is. Enjoy the day and stop by every lake in the Butler Chain including Lake Chase.