When people search for sale Windermere FL or Windermere FL for sale they are usually searching for real estate. Real estate makes up the bulk of the US economy and Windermere FL is the best place someone can live or invest in this state.
Windermere FL for sale searches intended for real estate mean land, homes and commercial properties. Windermere does have both but the majority here by far is residential existing homes. There is some land remaining but it is usually not for sale and it is expensive when it does hit the market. Keep reading to see why Windermere is such a great city and place to purchase.
The town is quaint, historic and just the right mix of trendy. The people living in Windermere are typically more affluent that most Floridians because the cost of living here is also fairly high. Crime is fairly low and many people enjoy outdoor walks etc.
Locally everything you need is available. Of course it is all great as well or it would be replaced. The worlds best amusement parks are 10-20 minutes away from most of Windermere. Tampa is about a 2 hour drive (to the interesting parts of Tampa) and Downtown Orlando is about a 15 minute drive.
Windermere is located between several large lakes. Those lakes are interconnected making what we refer to as a chain of lakes. You can visit a total of 13 lakes without getting out of your boat. There are actually many more lakes here than those 13. For those inclined to enjoy golf we Windermere also has incredible golf courses with many fine courses near the city. Below are the commercial properties and residential properties considered Windermere FL for sale.