Orange Theory in Windermere FL is located in 2 locations. One is in northern Windermere and one is in western Windermere FL. Orange Theory is an amazing fitness facility and my wife is in love with it. Lucky me.
Orange Theory is based upon the theory that you should visit each heart rate zone but primarily stay in the orange zone. Ironic that there are two Orange Theory Fitness's in Windermere which used to be where orange trees were so prominent.
The goal during a fitness session at Orange theory is to spend 12 minutes in the orange zone. There is a certified instructor which guides you in and out of the 5 heart rate zones similar to HiiT or High Intensity Interval Training but not quite as brutal to the newbies. Expect to see rowing, all varieties of cardio and weight training. This fitness facility is quite a bit different than LA Fitness, some love it and some prefer LA Fitness. My bet is the overall healthiest people are in Orange Theory although I am an LA Fitness fan.
No matter what you do, do something. Just take your fitness level for what it is and start moving forward. Keep that up and in a short time you may be ready (or already are) for a visit to Orange theory in Windermere FL.