Windermere was first made a city well over a hundred years ago now. Along with civilization comes advanced education. It was a great day for Windermere when the first schoolhouse was opened. Civic and town pride after all of the hardship and struggle. A hope to better your children's future.
Imagine just for a moment what it was like to live in Windermere back in the late 1800's. The heat, the cold and the bugs. It must have been very rough but yet those first pioneers here persevered for themselves and their loved ones.
What a celebration and sense of accomplishment it must have felt like when that first school bell rang. Whenever I visit the schoolhouse I always ring the bell. To me it is kind of a tip of the hat to those that struggles to build Windermere for us.
The Schoolhouse is locate just south of the new police department. It is fairly easy to miss. Most of us have owned sheds or garages that are much larger. Still it is worth a visit. Many struggles for it. If you can take your youngsters by there try to get them to ponder those struggles and feel them if just for a moment. If you can, it may sever them well and after all that is why we preserve the first historic Windermere Schoolhouse.