Whitney isles in Windermere FL seldom has homes for sale. Whitney Isles will go unnoticed by 99% of the people who visit Windermere FL. Even those who venture north and drive right by the walls around the community will not know the name of the neighborhood.
Whitney Isles has only one entrance and that is where it's one and only community sign is located. Most of the signage you will see as you drive up to this community is for it's more famous neighbor. Belmere also known as Belmere Village is directly across the street and roundabout.
Near and visible from the roundabout you will see the amenities center. Whitney Isles shares this fantastic amenities center with it's sister community. There is a community pool, small fitness center, sports courts and parking for those who do not wish to walk.
Locally just north (1/2 mile) on Maguire Road there is a Publix Supermarket, restaurants, a bank, gas stations and much more. What many may not at first notice is there is also a Super Walmart and a hospital within a 5 minute drive of Whitney Isles if you catch the lights green.
The homes in this community were all built from 2006 to 2010. Great news is you know building code history. Everything built after 2002 is better and stronger. These beautiful homes not only look amazing but are normally priced fairly decently when you consider the total package. Don't hesitate to contact us about the community or any Whitney Isles in Windermere FL homes for sale.