Windermere Estates are always available. There is a community with a similar name but this page will be addressing estates found all around the city. The Estates at Windermere is a gated community in north Windermere with nice homes on large lots.
Windermere is a fairly large area encompassing the entire 34786 zip code. Although the town of Windermere is fairly small the entire zip code is referred to as Windermere. Because of this that enables many people in Isleworth, Keenes Pointe and numerous other exclusive communities to have Windermere addresses. Combine that with the incredible lakes we have here and you have hundreds of Windermere Estates.
Estates usually have large or highly valuable property That is the case with Windermere Estates. In this area you cannot find a buildable waterfront lot for under a million dollars (normally double that for an acre). However there are some parcels that are slowly becoming available. Many have resorted to purchasing the older homes, removing them and building new.
Viewing estates and mansions is slightly different than most homes in Windermere. Owners must prepare the home, provide pet care and occasionally even child care. Because of this buyer's usually must show proof of funds or personnel verification. Tours of available estates must be planned at least a day in advance and often more. We have assisted many with this process and would like to assist you as well. Contact us today about any of the Windermere Estates.