Windermere FL often has historic homes for sale. Historic homes for sale are usually defined as being at least 50 years old. There are quite a few in the town of Windermere FL which are much older than 50 years.
There a many reasons to be attracted to historic homes. Not only are they a a piece of history but also a reflection of simpler times. That doesn't mean the construction of some of them was not way above par. Windermere has experienced many storms through the years and these homes still remain.
Historic homes normally require closer inspection. Septic tanks are not uncommon and should be well examined as early on in the purchasing process as possible. Since most of the historic homes are wood construction it is highly advised to get a professional termite inspection as well. You may want to find out what type/types of piping is throughout the home and have that examined.
Homes built prior to 1978 may have lead paint present even though it may be covered by multiple layers of newer paint. Led paint is no longer used and is a health hazard.
When homes in Windermere FL that are over 50 years old become available they will be shown below. Most of the truly historic properties will be in the town of Windermere. When I take you to see one that is for sale I will drive you by the oldest home still in use. You will not be able to pick it out as it is in great shape. For now please enjoy viewing the Windermere FL historic homes for sale.