Whenever discussing Windermere FL private schools you have to include Windermere Prep. There are others which we shall share about but Windermere Prep is second to none at least in the state of Florida. The local culture, the curriculum and the striving for excellence makes it worth the money.
Private Schools in Windermere FL currently have around 1,600 to 1,700 actively enrolled students. The Public Schools in Windermere FL which are also excellent currently have just under 10,000 students enrolled. With new developments along the Horizon West side of Windermere schools have been expanding, boundaries changing and new schools have been added in neighboring Winter Garden FL. The acceptance rate in Windermere FL private schools is around 86% which is slightly higher than the state of Florida's acceptance rate.
The New Academy is located in Downtown Windermere FL currently in the Family Church. It supports the homeschool type education and boasts a fantastic teacher to student ratio. As of the day I write this there are fewer than 20 students (k-12) and 3 teachers/ instructors.
The Premier Academy is located just north of Downtown Windermere. The premier Academy is near Gotha FL and Metrowest of Orlando FL. This school is limited to nursery school and pre-school. The importance of starting off with great footing should not be overlooked and this school is well worth researching if you live in northeast Windermere and have or are expecting to have youngsters. 10 teachers and an average class size of 15.
If you are interested there are other private schools near the city. Just to the east is Orlando and there are two private schools nearby. I suggest researching the local public schools as well because they are actually great. Thank you for your interest and caring to research the Windermere FL Private Schools.