The Windermere FL schools are amazing. For years now they have been the envy of most in the greater Orlando FL area. The schools in Windermere FL are part of the Orange County Public School system. is their site and to confirm the assigned schools for a home simply go to the home page, click on "Newcomers" and then scroll down to find my school. Its easy they have a great site.
To get those district maps everyone loves to see, and the most up to date ones perform this google search. Windermere FL High School District Map. That usually works with any OCPS school name and if you get the map make sure it is on the OCPS site or it may not be current.
Schools in Windermere FL are of course important even if you or your family have no need for them. They will have a positive effect on the res-sale of your property. Not to mention a Windermere school looks a lot better than any I ever went to. Another option is the Windermere FL Private Schools.
Windermere High School is the city’s namesake and newest pride and joy. Most of western Windermere FL is covered by this High School. Some of northern Windermere FL is not and will fall under West Orange High School in Winter Garden FL. Originally Windermere HS was possibly going to be named West Orange Overflow. Not quite the same ring to it right?
Most of Windermere Town and east Windermere falls under Olympia High School. The boundaries here seem to be fairly steady. The good news is if you live in this part of the city the bus ride or drive is relatively short. Olympia has definitely put out some champions and it has a great looking campus. Not as new, but still there are plenty of fans of this school. It is located just north of The Grove Shopping Center.
Bridgewater Middle School is located just west of Windermere FL. This school has been known for being somewhat overcrowded. Recently and more so soon that is changing. New schools are being built all over Horizon West as many new people are moving to the area. All of the growth was planned and improvements to the area are going just about as scheduled.
5600 Tiny Road, Winter Garden FL, 34787
Chain of Lakes Middle School is locate east of Windermere. Yes, sadly this school is not within the boundaries of our fine city but it is extremely close as you shall see. This is a well established school with a good reputation. It is near Olympia High School and The Grove Shopping Center. You will find it on the south side of Conroy Windermere Road. This school is home of the appropriately named Ospreys.
8700 Conroy Windermere Road, Orlando FL, 32835
Gotha Middle School is located just across the street from a Windermere FL community. Tuscany Ridge is it's name. Both are located on the north and east boundaries of Windermere. This is a somewhat interesting area and not as trafficked as say Bridgewater Middle School. A little more peaceful during the day but just a short drive to downtown Gotha, Metrowest or Windermere Town.
9155 Gotha Road, Windermere FL, 34786
Horizon West Middle School is a new addition. This school is the home of the Hornets if your child is interested. It is a new school so not a lot of information on quality is available. I can say that Tattant Blvd is in a nice area and has a lot of stores, restaurants etc. nearby. Maybe soon you will be picking up your young ones and grabbing a bite at the Westside Shoppes before returning home. You will love the nearby Westside Shoppes and your child will most likely be proud of Horizon West Middle School.
8200 Tattant Blvd, Windermere FL 34786
Obviously we have left off the many elementary schools and private schools. However, we are familiar with them and are looking forward to assisting you with finding your next home in any school zone or selling your home in Windermere. Hopefully you are moving here soon and researching the Windermere FL Schools.